Poniżej znajdują się skróty do publikacji naukowych poświęconych tematom nietolerancji pokarmowej:

The Role of Hidden Food Allergy/Intolerance in Chronic Disease
A Prospective Audit of Food Intolerance Among Migraine Patients in Primary Care Clinical Practice
Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome with a Food Elimination Diet Followed by Food Challenge and Probiotics
Food intolerance in Crohn's disease
Dietary Treatment of the Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Elimination Diets, Nutrition in the Treatment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Neglected but Important Aspect
Gastrointestinal Complaints Related to Diet
Metabolic Syndrome, A Comprehensive Perspective Based on Interactions Between Obesity, Diabetes, and Inflammation
Is obesity an inflammatory disease?
Food Intolerance and Dietary Intervention in Children with ASD
The Right Stuff: Use of Alcat Testing to Determine Dietary Factors Affecting Immune Balance, Health, and Longevity
AD(H)S: Von Genen – und mehr
Inflammation Modifies the Effects of a Reduced-Fat Low-Cholesterol Diet on Lipids
The effect of the ALCAT Test Diet Therapy for Food Sensitivity in Patient's With Obesity
Food intolerance and food allergy in children
Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Outpatients with inflammatory Bowel Disease Using a Food and Beverage Intolerance, Food and Beverage Avoidance Diet
Multiple food hypersensitivity as a cause of refractory chronic constipation in adults
The Role of Food Intolerance in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Food intolerance in patients with angioedema and chronic urticaria. An investigation by rast and alcat test
Treatment of delayed food allergy based on specific immunoglobulin G RAST testing